20 juni 2011

Beachy Head

My five month's stay in England is coming to an end. But there's still time for a few more adventures! So, yesterday me and lovely Sophie + brother crossed the zero-degree longitude meridian line and entered the western part of the world, heading for Beachy Head, a site close to the grand cliffs of Seven Sisters. Picnic on the grass with a pretty good view of the lighthouse and the mighty sea, nice conversations and nice weather (finally). Yet another memorable day!

Happy Sophie
Acrophobia, anyone?
 Belle Tout Lighthouse was built in 1832. Part-destroyed during the second world war (Canadian troops used it as target practice) and rebuilt in the 50's. It was moved 17 metres back from the edge of the cliff (due to erosion) in 1999 Also owned and filmed by the BBC. Restored and used as a bed and breakfast today.
Sophie's brother came all the way from Bath
Since the1600s Beach Head is a popular location for suicide attempts .. 

This last weekend been intense. Went to a gig with Time for T and the Common Tongues (whose music I completely fell in love with) and experienced a crazy show by Flash Band Band and Nordic Giants in refurbished Hector's House. Tonight there's the final barbecue party at Miami, tomorrow a farewell dinner with my beloved housemates at my favourite pub Hobgoblin. The last three years my life has been spread out in Stockholm, Dalarna, Åmål, Göteborg, Hamburg and England I just don't know how to deal with all these good-byes anymore. 

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej jag har nyss subscribed din blogg :) Hoppas du har haft en bra tid i England! Du är nog mycket bättre änn mig i engelska nu ;)
